We believe that as followers of God, we are called to Love God and Love Others.
One of the greatest ways that we love others
is by acting as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in the world.
We strive to grow in love of God and neighbor,
to reach new people,
and heal a broken world.
Lunch Wagon:
This is a ministry of LUMC with over 30 volunteers from the church and the community. Preparing lunches for kids in the community during the summer months for over 11 years, this ministry brought nearly 4100 lunches to 5 different locations in the summer of 2024.
Mission Trip:
Every summer under the leadership of our Youth and Children's Minister, the youth serve the community and world through hands on ministry with, to and for others. In recent years, they have served people in La Crosse, WI., Benton Harbor, MI., Fredrick, MD., Loveland, CO., North Carolina and West Virginia.
Lancer Locker:
Every fall as kids in our community get ready to go back to school, we realize that there are many who need adequate supplies for school. We host a free event where families make an appointment to come, and shop (at no cost to them) for school supplies and clothes so that they may have a successful start to the school year.
Local Missions in Action:
While taking the time to serve others in the wider community, we also help to serve the needs of people within our community. We spend time doing local clean-up and odd jobs for our neighbors, serve the hungry, work with the Local Food Shelf and visit and play games with our seniors. There are so many ways for us to build relationships with others, please join us.
World-wide Mobility:
For the last 10 years, Charlie and Sandy Hinders have helped to facilitate a place to help to build hand propelled carts for the World-wide Mobility ministry. Throughout the year, they hold fundraisers to help raise funds and awareness of the need as well as host volunteers to work on the carts out of their shop.
Disability statements/policies
La Crescent United Methodist Church believes all people, including those with disabilities, are
created in God’s image and have sacred worth. We believe that it is vital to the body of Christ to
celebrate the spiritual gifts of people with disabilities and incorporate them into the life of the church.
Through advocacy, education, and empowerment, we strive to fully include people with disabilities in
worship, missions, leadership and ministry. We invite individuals and local congregations to join us in
this vital ministry.
Our goal is not just accommodation, or even inclusion, but full participation of all people with their
various gifts. In this respect, the Gospel calls us to do better. We can learn to plan ahead to meet
access and participation needs. Then we can communicate the access available and reach out to
the many who may have been unable to attend in the past. Finally, we can joyfully come alongside
each other as allies who ask what is needed for full participation and advocate for equal access.
Then the kin-dom of God will have come a little closer to all of us as we welcome differences! La Crescent United Methodist Church is seeking to improve our access and participation to
meet the needs of all. We do this by: An annual accessibility audit with members of differing abilities
A flat and welcoming parking lot with accessible parking and flat and shoveled sidewalks
A door with working electronic-assist doors
Bathrooms with accessibility aids that are fully ADA compliant Sanctuary hearing looping
Cut outs in the sanctuary for wheelchairs
Large print bulletins, large font powerpoint slides, sermons/service available on-line,
recorded, and by telephone; large print song lyrics and scripture available on request Classes and programming adapted as needed to facilitate participation of children and adults
with unique needs
Peanut free church and gluten-free communion service available
We know we have steps to take to continue to see our church through the eyes of people with a
variety of needs and to make it welcoming to all. The Trustees are committed to working on this, so
with any suggestions or issues, please contact Cheri Olson, Trustee Chair,